
This week’s project was an analysis of our school and District level of technological integration, support and awareness.
The process included a survey of the staff, students and Districts use of technology and if this technology was used to enhance learning. I found the analysis to be very interesting, I knew our school and District were focused upon technology and were implementing new technologies in our school. But after doing this in depth analysis I came to realize how blessed our school is. We have the core infrastructure needed to support students learning with the use of technology. We have integrated technology and teaching and our students have embraced the opportunity. We have become just the 3rd school in our District to begin a 1:1 student to computer educational opportunity. Students in my grade 9 and 10 classes use their computers, tablet or cell phone every day to work on problem based learning lessons. All of my courses are on line and accessible with an internet device. Students have embraced this paperless learning environment and are slowly getting adept at manipulating technology to learn and demonstrate that knowledge in exciting electronic formats.
After doing this school analysis I realized that there is very little we lack in terms of technology. We have smart boards, projectors and laptops for every teacher. We use the Google cloud and can communicate through internal e-mail as well. We have 3 computer labs and 1 mobile laptop cart. We have 5 laptops just for our ESL students if they didn’t bring their own. We are also blessed by living in a community with a very high standard of living; our parents and community are prosperous and are generous to our school. We have very few students in financial need and because we are a Catholic school, there are many support systems in place to help the less fortunate.
After my analysis, my school ranks high in every category, we have a dynamic staff and administration that works hard to integrate technology into every day lessons and we have been given the tools by the District and Province to ensure we have what we need to be successful. Our school results on Provincial achievement exams are exemplary and we are held up as an example in the District of what can be accomplished when staff, students and District work together to educate our youth and prepare them for their future.
I am very proud to be at my school and certainly now after this reflection, feel very lucky to be where I am, I have been given a fantastic opportunity to grow and learn and use technology. Taking my Masters at Boise State has opened up new ideas and taught me new skills that I will integrate and share with my fellow professionals. I look forward to what the future brings.

Here is the survey that was part of the school analysis

This projects meets the following AECT standards.

4.2 Resource Management

Standard 5: Evaluation
5.1 Problem Analysis
5.2 Criterion-Referenced Measurement
5.3 Formative and Summative Evaluation
5.4 Long-Range Planning